About Me

Writer, Blogger & Researcher

Hey there, I'm Mindy

Your friendly neighborhood empath on a journey of self-discovery and recovery. For far too long, I was the ultimate people-pleaser, bending over backward to make sure everyone around me was happy. Spoiler alert: it didn’t lead to the happiness I was seeking.

Life’s funny that way, isn’t it? Despite all my efforts, I found myself feeling unsettled, like a puzzle missing a few crucial pieces. It showed up in my relationships, where boundaries were more like suggestions, and my own needs often got lost in the shuffle. It became a rinse-and-repeat cycle of emotions and promises.

Then came a pivotal moment when my marriage hit a crossroads. Desperation turned into determination, and I embarked on a journey of therapy, marriage courses, and deep self-discovery. It’s been a wild ride, let me tell you!

Now, I’m taking my life back, one day at a time. Along the way, I’ve dabbled in blogging, using it as a tool for my own recovery. I wholeheartedly believe that our stories have the power to heal and inspire. You don’t have to navigate this path alone – we’re in this together.

Helping others find their light is what truly sets my soul on fire. And guess what? I want to help you find your light too! So, whether you’re here for a dose of inspiration, a friendly chat, or just curious about this wild ride I’m on, welcome! I’m genuinely thrilled you’re here. Let’s embark on this journey of self-discovery and growth together.

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